yeah. like the ones at the Fair, ONLY BETTER. Cheaper too!

You will need:
1 package oreos
1 box buttermilk pancake mix-the kind you just add water only
powdered sugar for dusting
vegetable oil for frying
electric skillet or frying pan on stove top
mixing bowl
a sifter (flour sifter or mesh screen hand held sieve/colander)
paper towels
Heat the oil in the skillet/frying pan. (I put it on 350 degrees on my electric skillet. on the stove top I would put it medium and turn down the heat a tad if they start burning)
While that is getting hot dump some pancake mix in the bowl, add just enough water to make a thick batter. (Thick enough that it drips in clumps not a stream off the oreo.) Open the oreos.
When the oil is hot enough to sizzle a drop of batter, lay an oreo flat in the batter. Roll it over. Make sure it is pretty much covered in batter then lay flat in the hot oil. (I can fit upwards of 9-12 in my skillet at the same time.)

Watch them closely because they can brown pretty fast. As soon as I see the oreo turning brown around the edges I flip it over.
Line a plate with paper towels. when the oreos are brown on both sides drain them on paper towels for a few minutes.
Put some powdered sugar in the sifter and shake/sift it over the tops of the oreos and serve.

You will need:
1 package oreos
1 box buttermilk pancake mix-the kind you just add water only
powdered sugar for dusting
vegetable oil for frying
electric skillet or frying pan on stove top
mixing bowl
a sifter (flour sifter or mesh screen hand held sieve/colander)
paper towels

Heat the oil in the skillet/frying pan. (I put it on 350 degrees on my electric skillet. on the stove top I would put it medium and turn down the heat a tad if they start burning)
While that is getting hot dump some pancake mix in the bowl, add just enough water to make a thick batter. (Thick enough that it drips in clumps not a stream off the oreo.) Open the oreos.
When the oil is hot enough to sizzle a drop of batter, lay an oreo flat in the batter. Roll it over. Make sure it is pretty much covered in batter then lay flat in the hot oil. (I can fit upwards of 9-12 in my skillet at the same time.)

Watch them closely because they can brown pretty fast. As soon as I see the oreo turning brown around the edges I flip it over.
Line a plate with paper towels. when the oreos are brown on both sides drain them on paper towels for a few minutes.

Additional Notes:
*do not reuse the oil. period. I got this recipe from a cousin who uses it in his restaurant. He stressed this point so I'll trust him and not find out why the hard way.
*do not reuse the oil. period. I got this recipe from a cousin who uses it in his restaurant. He stressed this point so I'll trust him and not find out why the hard way.
*do not use broken oreos. the cream leaks out in the oil.
*I did these in a fry daddy the first time. difficult because it was so hard to maneuver around in there with my hands/spatula and I could only do a few at a time. (READ: TOOK FOREVER)
*Don't feed these to people you don't actually like. You will never get rid of them lol.
Also, We froze a snickers bar and cut it into thirds and used the same recipe. AMAZING. Deep fried artery clogging goodness!